When I first walk into work the other morning, my conversation with a lovely coworker of mine -- seriously, she really is lovely. Everyone should meet her.
Well, I have no memory of what our conversation was about, but she says something to me -- oh, yeah. I do remember. Someone needed me to go on the record. I'm like, "I know." Which, I actually did know because I remembered it going into work that day.
But why not just say, "Okay. Cool. Thank you." I mean, that's simple. Right? Of course it is. Saying "I know" sounds so ungrateful when someone is just trying to increase your knowledge of life or just help you in general. And might hurt their feelings. I know because it's happened to me.
Have you ever noticed that the way things are said can take on a totally different meaning. I told my little rugrats that years ago. We'd make a game out of it in the car by saying the same word in different ways and accents. It completely can change the meaning of one word. Try it. It's a cool game. Oh, wait, let me guess. I know, you know.
Anyway, that is a fun little exercise and it totally works for entertainment purposes. It's definitely better than dwelling on negatives or searching for negatives or -- oh, my gosh. Stop me, please.
Negative people can either break you, make you stronger or give you a really crazy sense of humor. I choose the latter. Bring on the Pollyannas to conquer all those Negative Nellies. Besides, I think being positive actually gives the naysayers, who are probably just jealous of our zeal for life, more things to complain about. Which adds to the humor. Because, seriously, how can people always be so negative?!?!
So to that little feller that would say, "Complain. Complain. Complain," I appreciate your frankness. That statement can stop someone in their tracks and hopefully pop reality into them. Unless you get popped first. which - hellooo! I would have to complain about that.
Until next time ...
Well, I have no memory of what our conversation was about, but she says something to me -- oh, yeah. I do remember. Someone needed me to go on the record. I'm like, "I know." Which, I actually did know because I remembered it going into work that day.
But why not just say, "Okay. Cool. Thank you." I mean, that's simple. Right? Of course it is. Saying "I know" sounds so ungrateful when someone is just trying to increase your knowledge of life or just help you in general. And might hurt their feelings. I know because it's happened to me.
Have you ever noticed that the way things are said can take on a totally different meaning. I told my little rugrats that years ago. We'd make a game out of it in the car by saying the same word in different ways and accents. It completely can change the meaning of one word. Try it. It's a cool game. Oh, wait, let me guess. I know, you know.
Anyway, that is a fun little exercise and it totally works for entertainment purposes. It's definitely better than dwelling on negatives or searching for negatives or -- oh, my gosh. Stop me, please.
Negative people can either break you, make you stronger or give you a really crazy sense of humor. I choose the latter. Bring on the Pollyannas to conquer all those Negative Nellies. Besides, I think being positive actually gives the naysayers, who are probably just jealous of our zeal for life, more things to complain about. Which adds to the humor. Because, seriously, how can people always be so negative?!?!
So to that little feller that would say, "Complain. Complain. Complain," I appreciate your frankness. That statement can stop someone in their tracks and hopefully pop reality into them. Unless you get popped first. which - hellooo! I would have to complain about that.
Until next time ...